Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009


Hellow Yellow Mellow..

Well, buat sebagian yang ngebaca judul diatas, jgn pikir macem2 dulu yah...
Kalo kalian berpikir i'm addicted to such a harm thing, it's a big NO NO !!!

"You are my personal brand of Heroinne"
Stephenie Meyer.

this is what exactly i mean..
I'm addicted to HIM.

Aku baru aja sadar, beberapa hari yang lalu INSOMNIA kembali menghampirii.
Uuughh, it was killing mee..

Dan finally i've found out penyebabnyaa..

Late Nite Phone Call..
Sounds weird, but yeah...
Kebiasaan menelpon hingga larut malam, dan membiarkan telepon itu terus menyala hingga aku tertidur adalah Tersangka penyebab insomniaku.

memang, kesibukannya di Jakarta nggak memungkinkan untuk bertelpon ria, seperti kebiasaan kami sebelumnya.
dan memang-hanya beberapa hari itu aku melewatkan malam tanpa kebiasaan itu.

anehnya, aku baru menyadarinya waktu dia bilang , "Kayanya kamu udah ketagihan, jadi kalo uda telpon ama dengerin suaraku, baru bisa bubu nyenyak."
And it's evident!!
Setelah dia pulang dari Jakarta, kami kembali melakukan kebiasaan itu, dan aku baru bisa tidur dengan amat sangat nyeyak..

Nggak salah sih, kalo Stephenie meyer menggambarkan segitu addictednya Edward pada Bella.
That's just so me!!!
and that's a reality...

I really agree with her,
he's my personal brand of heroinne.

Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

A big decision

Minggu2 ini adalah ketakutan terbesar dlm hidupku-
Aku tau betapa egoisnya aku,ketika mengutamakan kebersamaan drpd perpisahan-yg notabene dia bekerja.untukku.

Aku tau,aku harus membiasakan untuk jauh tanpanya..
Tapi entah kenapa,aku tak rela mengorbankan sisa waktu kami untuk bersama.
bukannya aku tak mendukung titah sang ratu,bahkan aku selalu berusaha agar dia patuh pada sang ratu,hanya saja waktu yg kami miliki tak banyak.

Kini perasaanku campur aduk.
Senang-karena dia mau berubah untukku..dan aku sangat menghargai setiap usahanya.
Sedih-disisa waktu kami yg tinggal beberapa minggu lagi,dia harus disibukkan dengan pekerjaannya dan harus 'menginap' untuk sementara.lebih tepatnya,mengorbankan waktu yg tersisa.
Bingung-disisi lain aku harus siap untuk perpisahan yang lebih besar kedepannya..dan itu sangat menyakitkan.
Penasaran-Meskipun berulang kali dia meyakinkanku tidak ada indikasi buruk tentang hubungan kami,tapi seakan-akan hal itu menghantui setiap bunga tidurku-yg lebih baik aku memilih untuk terjaga. Aku hanya ingin tau,apakah ini alibi ato sebuah konspirasi.

Aku berharap semoga malam ni tidak seperti malam2 sebelumnya.
Di mana konspirasi itu tidak kembali menyerangku kala tengah malam-itu menyiksaku. Seolah dia tak percaya bahwa memang aku tak bisa terlelap karna memikirkannya.
Semoga mimpiku tidak menjadi kenyataan kali ini.
Dia sangat berarti bagiku.
Aku Mencintaimu.

Keputusan Besar
ɑ big decision

Well,if I can have another choices to choose, I prefer to live in Surabaya.

Surely,I was trap in a ruin condition,that I can't take care of.

It's hard you know-being thousand miles away from your lover..
That u have just build your Love Life.

But I believe,it's God's will. It's meant to me,to continuing my whole life at the new city.
And he's meant to me too~

Gosh..I've caught in the middle.
Dunno what to do now.
It's so called-deep confusion.

a big decision

Minggu2 ini adalah ketakutan terbesar dlm hidupku-
Aku tau betapa egoisnya aku,ketika mengutamakan kebersamaan drpd perpisahan-yg notabene dia bekerja.untukku.

Aku tau,aku harus membiasakan untuk jauh tanpanya..
Tapi entah kenapa,aku tak rela mengorbankan sisa waktu kami untuk bersama.
bukannya aku tak mendukung titah sang ratu,bahkan aku selalu berusaha agar dia patuh pada sang ratu,hanya saja waktu yg kami miliki tak banyak.

Kini perasaanku campur aduk.
Senang-karena dia mau berubah untukku..dan aku sangat menghargai setiap usahanya.
Sedih-disisa waktu kami yg tinggal beberapa minggu lagi,dia harus disibukkan dengan pekerjaannya dan harus 'menginap' untuk sementara.lebih tepatnya,mengorbankan waktu yg tersisa.
Bingung-disisi lain aku harus siap untuk perpisahan yang lebih besar kedepannya..dan itu sangat menyakitkan.
Penasaran-Meskipun berulang kali dia meyakinkanku tidak ada indikasi buruk tentang hubungan kami,tapi seakan-akan hal itu menghantui setiap bunga tidurku-yg lebih baik aku memilih untuk terjaga. Aku hanya ingin tau,apakah ini alibi ato sebuah konspirasi.

Aku berharap semoga malam ni tidak seperti malam2 sebelumnya.
Di mana konspirasi itu tidak kembali menyerangku kala tengah malam-itu menyiksaku. Seolah dia tak percaya bahwa memang aku tak bisa terlelap karna memikirkannya.
Semoga mimpiku tidak menjadi kenyataan kali ini.
Dia sangat berarti bagiku.
Aku Mencintaimu.

Keputusan Besar
ɑ big decision

Well,if I can have another choices to choose, I prefer to live in Surabaya.

Surely,I was trap in a ruin condition,that I can't take care of.

It's hard you know-being thousand miles away from your lover..
That u have just build your Love Life.

But I believe,it's God's will. It's meant to me,to continuing my whole life at the new city.
And he's meant to me too~

Gosh..I've caught in the middle.
Dunno what to do now.
It's so called-deep confusion.

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009

A Part Of My LiFe•RiLoVie•

Hii Guys :))
I've been gone for a while doing some stuffs I really should do (ɑ bunch of Exams and Duties to go,gladly it's all done :P). So sorry that this blog has been left unupdated.

I've received a couple of suggestions asking me to update this blog..^^
Thanks for your attention and if u have something in your mind,feel free to leave some comment..

I'll be very pleased with ur coming guys..
So, enjoy my new post..^^


His love doesn't make my world go 'round..but his love is the only thing that makes my whole world worthwhile.

Started with an accidentally meeting @ Surabaya Town Square..
U stared at me,for the first time..

Since then,The Love grows stronger every single day..


<3 <3 Butterflies are migrating to my stomach.

3 missed call.

"Sapa yaa?"
"Topher Jess, km dmana? Nggak pigi2?"
"Oh..aku di tretes...Lg pegi ama fam..np?"
"Oh..gpp,kirain km di sby."
"Loo,nonya sapa ni?"
"Ini no RICKY...oh ya uda laa..daaaa"

RICKY? Oh..yg di sutos itu..
Well..I think I should press the Button "SaVed"

1 Message Received

"Jess..aku ke rumahmu skrg yaa"

"Iya,tapi aku mao pergi jam 4.Cptan ya pher."

Setelah first meeting,itulah pertemuan selanjutnyaa..

Tp itu termasuk sort of funny meeting...

Akhirnya si Topher dateng ke rumah.
Buru-buru aku keluar.

"Ini Jess.."
"Oh,ok. Btw tmenmu koq nunggu di mobil?Suru keluar donk"

Akhirnya dia dateng juga.
Unpredictable juga sih.
Ga nyangka ternyata dia ikutan topher maen ke rumah.
Well,was it a crush?

"Hi..mao minum apa??"

"Ohh..Ga usah jess,minta sedotan ajaa,buat nyedotin air kolam di depan rumahmu.."
Dengan wajah innocentnya,seulas senyum dilemparkan ke arahku.


How come aku ngelupain moment itu,ga pernah ada cowo yang segitu beraninya nyindir aku.

Well,wktu aku butuh support, suddenly he texted me...

One of them is..
"Bete knapa?Kalo bete inget ikan2 di kolam depan rumamu lohhh..."
"Haa?? Apa hubungannya ama ikan didepan rumahku?"
"Lohh..kan ikan2 itu yang selalu ada buat kamu,nemenin kamu waktu sedih,seneng.."

What ɑ weird jokee hunny :)..but I'll always remember it..
And finally,lucky me, to have you,my FISH,Ricky..^^


Sejak saat itu,
Semua jadi semakin indah.
Dia yang mewarnai
Setiap hariku dengan
Cinta dan kebahagiaan.

Akhirnya,hubungan ku dengannya jadi semakin dekat, hingga hari Minggu, 3 Mei 2009,kami sepakat memulai sebuah awal yang baru.

Tidak ada hari yg kami lewati tanpa bertemu, hingga hari yg kami tunggu tiba.
ɑ Trip to Batu, with fellas~
BNS adlh tmpt di luar kota yg pertama kali km kunjungi setelah resmi jd kekasih.

It's absolutely unforgettable.
I had ɑ lotta fun with Him, and besties.The photos will be uploaded soon.^^

When I post this blog we've already 2weeks.
But it doesn't matter how old it's,but there's more greater thing than that,Our Love.

And now,I'm officially missing him...
I'm looking forward to u babe..I don't have ɑ strength,to stay away from you anymore.

<3 you...

"Well,This is dedicated for someone who once told me : I even love your cold virus."

Thank You.
For every song that u sang for me.
For every care that u showed me.
For every love that u given to me.
For everything.

Have I told you this?
I was blessed,because I was loved by YOU.
Thank God,that I know you,and made me so deeply in Love with u.

<3 <3 For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. <3 <3

P.S I Love You

Kamis, 09 April 2009

the similar between Fast and Furious 4 and TITANIC

It's been a long time,aq lg nggak mood bwt nulis blog..
Pain and Sorrow..
Yahh..itulah main suspect,yg bkin aq jadi "not in the mood-even to post a blog"..
Soo buat bbrp org yg nyuruh aq update blog truss (tp ga mau ks comment n bilang kalo blogq ky kisah sinetron LOL),blame on it!! Okayy?!
Well,pasti pada bingung yah baca judul blogq kali ini..hihihi..
Yuph, fast n furious 4 emg lg happening bgt, ya..
Nonton bayar aj,pake antri yg panjaaaaaaaaaang..(Apalagi gratis yah?!Bisa2 5 studio muterin F n F smuaa XD)
Boro2 dpt tmpat duduk di blakang,Ttp dpt duduk ketiga dari depan..Emg sii nontonnya ber20,hihi,jadi sulit juga dpt satu deret yaah..Untung studio 1, lumayan gede, jd ttep enjoy koq...

Then,before I gv u further information abouut the review, let's doing some flash back..!!

Monday,April 6th
Jessica sedih saat itu. Dia sibuk dengan hp xlnya,dan mengerutkan dahi.
She was very down.
She realized that she must get over him. Coz,it's too impossible to continue,because she knew,the more she keep it,she will be suffer more and more.
This is the best way for him and her too.
Go on a separate, and live their own life,how it should be.
And..no matter how hard it is.
Jessica will fine, without him^^
It's right that he's not the one that I've been looking for.
It seems a good way to go.
A love to remember, a crush to forget.
It will be a great memoirs,for me.
(I hope that he read this part)

after that, I prefer to didn't answer his calls,didn't reply his message too than stuck in the middle.
I just need a time.
So please..give me lil more time.
And don't worry, everything would be okay.
You're not gonna be my enemy.
You're still my special buddy.
Sorry to say but, hopefully the way I treat you,is the best way for me,to get over u.
If u do contact me, I'll be very fragile to falling again.

I hope someday u will understand.
Thank you for loving me so far.

Wednesday,April 8th.
Cuma pikiran itu yg ada di kepalaku waktu ngerjain try out ekonomi.
Jadi ga konsen banget ngerjainnya.
But,akhirnyaa..selesai juga.
25 soal ekonomi+15 soal akuntansi mengakhiri rangkaian "Siksaan TryOut"
I bet every 12th grade student'll feel the same way too.
Yippy, stelah foto untuk panitia bukenn..pulaaang..
I just forgot that I hv a promise to go to Movie wiff my fren..
Aku ga smpt ngeliat hpQ,both.
And,guess..what happen next?
Goossshh, salah satu tmenq uda bbm aq,n ad bbrp missed call dr tmenq yg laen.
Dan aku baru aja sdar kalo uda dr td mrk contact aq.
Sorry guys,haha..
Pertama I decide to not join them.lgan aq juga uda cape.
Tapi akhirnya aq uda diblgin kalo tmen2q dr gap laen bakal jmpt aq(november guy was included)..
Huuaaa..dgn asal comot baju,lgsg pergi jugaaa.

Agak asing juga si, soalnya aq cm knal 2 org diantara mereka.
Haaha,tp fun koq..
Wktu turun dr mobil november guy bilang
"Sombong ya skrg...smsq ga pernah dibaless.."
Hahaha..bener2 unpredictable bgt dy tanya ky gtu. Coz spnjg perjalanan aq ama dy cm diem2an aja.
Aq malah ngobrol am tmenq yg lebi aq knal.
Spontanly,I replied
"Loooh..uda aq baless koq. Masa sii ga masuk?"
Dgn gayanya yg cuek (as always),
"Nggak, nggak ada yg masuk"
Padahal aku yakin bgt aq uda bales smsnya. apa aku emg lupa yaa? OOppss..
Untung dya ga suka ky bginian,at least dy ga bakal baca.lOl~

Singkat cerita qta ber 20 ntn jugaaa..
Lmyn si adrenalin campur aduk lyat Brian O'Connor, ama Dom Toretto beraksi.

As I promise u, here's the review.
Warning : this is only dedicated for romantic person,haha

1st, aku nggak ngelyat fast and furious dari segi modified,acting,racing,or the cast.
It's totally different perspective.
Jangan kaget ya setelah baca ini,u'll know what I mean.

Aq ngelyat dari human interestnya.
Satu sisi feature yg kuat-bahkan orang2 ga mgkn menyadarinya karna terbuai kecanggihan mobilnya,yaitu Dom Toretto, a.k.a Vin Diesel.
Dsini Vin berjuang untuk ikutan Braga,untuk apa sih?
You're absolutely right.
Mencari pembunuh his belove girlfriend,Leticia Ortiz.
Which is, the murderer is in Braga's team.
So, yang keren dom berjuang mati2an ngelakuin hal berbahaya just for a revenge.
Can't u imagine it?
I bet Leticia were flattered.
Meskipun aku ga suka cara pembalasan dendam.
Tapii, dom did that for his lover.
It figures how much he loves her.
Best scene is waktu Dom ngelyat lokasi kejadian..
Vin did it awesomely.
I love scene wktu dy di kuburan letty jg.
At the end, setelah si Dom berhasil membunuh cow negro pembunuh letty,dya nyerahin diri,kan?
Coz dya ngerasa tujuannya juga uda terpenuhi. What a sweet revengeee... <3
Masi inget juga kan? Wktu Brian bilang Letty ikutan fbi,untuk ngebebasin Dom.
Great couple!!
In conclusion, apa sih relationnya ama titanic?
Jelas2 beda genre.
Well, Let's see. Jack and Rose Dawson's love is as great as Dom and letty.
Coba bayangin cinta sejati mereka bener2 kuat.intinya :
They did sacrifice just for his Lover. That's why I call F n F is a touchy romantic film yet an action film.
Yaah, I hope someday I'll find the other Dom and Jack in my life.
I adore them,way too deep.
Or maybe,mreka cuma ada di film??
It seems skrg uda jarang ada cowo kaya gitu yaaa?
1 diantara 1000 cowo mgkn yg mau ngorbanin apa aja termasuk nyawa mereka untuk orang yang mereka cinta?
Well,I wish that God will send me that "ONe" guy from above 1000 men in this world...
Of Course,as my husband..

Quote for today :
"Love means an absolute sacrifice,unfortunately only a few person know it."
Originally by :

Senin, 06 April 2009

annoying-worst day ever.

Today seems the worst day I've ever had.....
(It's even more bad than when I broke up)
I won't tell u in detail,but actually I really really hate this day!!!

I've been studying all nite long, for my math test.
I thought that It would be easy coz I've studied it 5th times..
And tarraaa...
When the paper test came,it was freakin hard!!
I was doing it as fast as I can,but time was out.
At that time, I've done only 25 questions,from about 40 questions.
Was it the end of the day?

I'm curious to know what happen to him, lately..
I know that he has upside down mood..but now I'm in the limit of my patience.
please stop it!!!
U can kill me softly..

Sometimes he can be a prince with a white horse (in my opinion) but in the other time, he can be the most unreliable person.
Soo, what do u want?
Who are him??
Ask hiiiiim..
Don't ask me...
I don't know whether my mood is important or not for him..
At least, I need ur understanding.
And I was crying at the middle of the nite, after hearing latest agnes monica's song "TERUSKANLAH"
Here's some of the lyrics

Ku Hidup dengan siapa..
Ku tak tahu kau siapa..
Kau kekasihku tapi orang lain bagiku..

Kau dengan dirimu saja..
Kau dengan duniamu saja..
Kau Begitu...

I said "what???!!!"
This song could figure my condition clearly..
I've got the same feeling...

Tommorow,I'll face the Geography exam.
And now,I'm really not in the mood for studying.
In front me,there's Geography stuffs, and I don't even interested to touch it-at all.

Suddenly I remember my November Guy...
Oh no, at least he's always by my side in my deepest sadness.
(Well,I'm gonna desribe him a bit. He's the one ,who heal all my pain, with his cares,and understanding-and I'm not going to tell u why I hv to face separation with him,hihihihi)
Geeeezzzz, what happen to me??
Why he crosses on my mindd?
After yesterday, maybee..

At last..
I need Your guidance and help rite now.....
Please show me the way to YOUR plan....
I believe,I believe in YOU....
(My and his song)

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Sushii TiMe~Culinary day XII Social 4

Tadi pagi,aq ujian praktek teknologi pengolahan(baca:masak)...

Sounds weird, but yeah..
Skulku emg bukan SmK,tp TP termasuk mata pelajaran wajib lulus..So,mau ga mau ttep harus maksimal.At least learning by doing for being a good house wife...Lol

Pertamanya mao bikin wine, tp ga mgkn..coz it takes a long time..
then, we decided to make SUSHiii...

At the 'H' day,setela bikin kurang lebi 1 jam..
Jadilah Sushi California Roll aLa Jez.C..
Abis gitu dinilai de, am guru tp..
Semua Jerih payah kayanya terbayar LUnas,wktu diblgin kalo Sushiiku enakk..

Salute to Deril..
Aq ga nyangka tmenku ini jago juga bkin sushii..mskipun dy competitorq..tapi cara dy bkin sushi ud prof bgt ky chef.
Hahaha..sushi teriyakinya enak bgt..good way to go,dude..
Fortunately dy ga pelit bagi resep..hehe..so next time I'll make it..:) Thank u for your recipe..

Kelompok2 laen juga bkin menu yang ELA (Enak gilaaa)..
Ada yg bkin Cordon Bleu,Chicken Steak,Spaghetti,Samosa(Indian Cuisine),last but not least Sushii..
Jadii beragam menu dari berbagai belahan dunia..
Emg sii kelasq ni kratif dan inovatif...^^
Hum..asik juga jdi food taster, keliling2 nyobain masakan anak2 yg laen...
Yang pastiii...aq mintain resepnya satu2,hihih
So I can be an amateur chef..

Well..at least, today's is pretty amazing..
A moment to remember,in the sweetest time of Senior High..
Seandainya masa sma nggak secepet ini..TT